2012-09-08: Day 4 - Hill-of-Crosses

10 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#Lithuania  #Šiauliai  #travelblog  #2012-09 ~ Lithuania & Latvia 

It's 7am and I'm at the bus station heading for the place I can't spell but sounds like "show-ley".

I think I have the start of a cold and 3 hours ahead of me on a bus... joy.


At Šiauliai (I've learnt to spell) waiting for the bus to Riga. Went to the Hill of Crosses by taxi, seemed safest and wasn't too pricey. Hard to know what to make of the place. Had an image in my mind and it wasn't quite that. It left me feeling a bit like Stonehenge I think. A big impressive, elemental thing with huge cultural significance but now mainly a tourist attraction with souvenir shop and purpose built paths and car parks.

Just on the bus to Riga, at least I think it's Riga. Hard to be sure. Cheaper than expected. Comment on the bus? It wouldn't be allowed on the road in the UK. Significant signs of previous crashes.

So I made it to Riga and the rain followed me. Before I made it off the bus I'd already seen more western chains than I did in Lithuania. Hard to compare too much as haven't seen Vilnius yet.

There was a very excitable brass quartet knocking out Adele tracks as I wound my way to the hotel. Hotel is cool, great location and pleasingly quirky. Wandered around the old town in the evening and found some food and live music. Wasn't feeling great so went for a power nap but didn't make it back out.



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