2012-09-12: Day 8 - Vilnius

10 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#Lithuania  #travelblog  #Vilnius  #2012-09 ~ Lithuania & Latvia 

Made it to Vilnius safe and sound and checked-in. Went for a wander down to the old town, met up with Daniel and whiled away a pleasingly warm evening.

Today I've been wandering almost everywhere. Haven't been in anywhere but walked from the Gates of Dawn, down through Uzupis, up through the university, utterly missed the Holocaust museum, out to Vingis park and back via the parliament building, Europa and some relaxing beers in the old town. When I told Daniel where I'd been there was more than a little incredulity expressed.

Had lunch in Vingis park. For the firs time it was a mono-lingual menu and a waitress with no English. Didn't fancy spinning the wheel of fortune completely so went for one of the few things I could decipher from the menu.... greek salad.

Ho hum...

Now sat in a cafe/restaurant in Uzupis chilling before heading on to try and find a place called Tores to eat later.

It bucketed down briefly earlier but is nice now as the sun just sets over Vilnius.



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