2012-09-14: Day 10 - Vilnius

10 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#Lithuania  #travelblog  #Vilnius  #2012-09 ~ Lithuania & Latvia 

Did the Holocaust museum yesterday which was much as you might expect. The thing that stayed with me most was the provincial government objected to the killing of Jews "in public" when one of their members witnessed it first hand (including victims having water pumped down their throats until their stomachs burst).

Ran out of time for the Genocide victims museum. On my way to do that now.

Went to a microbrewery pub last night, beer with caramel... nice enough but far too sweet to have more than one.

Ate at the TV tower which has a rotating restaurant on top. Had prawns and then threw up in the night... that's two from two of late for me. I smell a pattern (and I'm not talking about the one I made in the bathroom).

The same market/festival that was in Kaunas now seems to be here. I recognise the stall and people that I got my bowl of chilli from. I expect one of those stalls will sort me out for lunch and it did. It's a european themed market and it's fair to say you don't always get what you order. This wasn't purely a matter of pronunciation as I invoked ancient pointing techniques too but what I got was, basically, goulash whereas what I ordered was cabbage rolls. C'est la vie.

Daniel has ran me to the airport via more food, he really has gone above and beyond whilst I've been out here, and my holiday came to an end.



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