2013-10-09: Day 14

11 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#2013-09 ~ Budapest  #Budapest  #Hungary  #travelblog 

Not really much to report. Went out to celebrate a 3 month employment anniversary for two folks at work and spent the evening conversing. There's quite a curiously high, to me, number of people that are able to read or speak various asian languages. Plenty of Japanese and Korean with even a smattering of Mongolian thrown in. I am, as ever, feeling pathetically monolingual. Even the usually successful method of pointing at what we wanted whilst attempting to pronounce the words managed to get one of the non-Hungarian speakers the wrong drink. My pointing was, naturally, flawless but even then I was taken by surprise when my rum turned up and was white. Granted it was what I'd asked for but I hadn't realised that that the Havana Club 3 year old was the only white rum they make.




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