2013-10-17: Day 22

11 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#geekery  #2013-09 ~ Budapest  #Budapest  #Hungary  #travelblog 

Put simply... parts of the afternoon were spent messing around with RegEx and really rather enjoying myself. Learnt a bunch of stuff about forward and backward looking groups and we rewarded ourselves with a few post work pints.

A quiet one or two turned in to a quiet one or two rounds bought each which then necessitated food... and food is accompanied by... drink.


The evenings food was some kind of aubergine pate followed by a chicken and mushroom type soup. I'd already started showing the signs of a cold much to Gaetano's amusement having spent weeks telling my I was an English idiot for walking around in a shirt whilst he was dressed for an expedition to the south pole... or north pole for that matter, for the purposes this descriptive sentence it really makes no difference.



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