2013-10-24: Day 29

11 years ago · 0 MIN READ
#2013-09 ~ Budapest  #Budapest  #Hungary  #travelblog 

Fairly quiet working day but there was an outing planned for the evening and Chris was due to arrive.

"Meet on this corner at this time" can always hit problems. Ours included Gaetano not showing up and Chris not having arrived yet (he gave various excuses including a small navigation failure). So we resolve to play catch up and will meet the others later. Whilst Chris sorts himself out Gaetano has arrived to find nobody.

oooh they've got drinks that are on fire, let's get some of those!

After some to-ing and fro-ing we all meet in a pub.

The night is a mass of drinking, passive smoke inhalation and, much to Chris' disgust, a lack of food.



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