2013-11-12: Day 48 - Tourist catch-up

11 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#2013-09 ~ Budapest  #eating out  #Budapest  #Hungary  #Obuda  #travelblog 

As I'm coming towards the end of my time here I need to start ticking off a bunch of the "tourist" things that I've not yet done.

Memento Park is somewhere that I'd both found myself when looking at what to do and had recommended to me and it ticks a lot of boxes for my psyche. Slightly remote so not flooded with people (not on a Tuesday lunchtime in November anyway... which may or may not have been a contributing factor), history based and with plenty of statues/memorials to take pictures of.

Thanks to the quality of the BKV website it was very easy to find and I spent a very pleasant hour or so wandering around.

You can find bundles of statues below but the pic of the bunch is surely this beauty.


Alas the seat didn't work otherwise I'd have a selfie behind the wheel.

Afterwards I headed from the deep south of Buda to the north and the oldest area of Budapest, Obuda.


I got off the train near the Arpad bridge and wandered through the little cluster of squares and streets and saw, amongst other things, a statue that surely should have been based in Britain rather than Hungary.


Also found a set of Roman ruins that had been preserved... although they did now have a dual carriageway going over them... novel.

There was a restaurant up in these parts that I had found to try. Kéhli is a fairly famous haunt and they make a lot of their popularity with the Hungarian writer Gyula Krúdy particularly his fondness for their bone-marrow on toast. Now I wasn't terribly hungary so didn't feel like a full meal but this was something not to be passed up and I ordered it along with a Fisherman's soup (complete with Obuda carp) to follow rather than having a full main course.

Even so the portions were generous and I left stuffed. The bone-marrow toast was nice and interesting to try as I don't recall seeing it anywhere else and the Fisherman's soup was excellent.

I left stuffed.



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