World Cup 2018: Blurb

6 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#World Cup 2018: Russia 

Much has happened over the last few years and I don't spend anything like as much time following football, particularly across leagues outside of England, as I once did.

Most would say this has been a positive... and I'm not about to disagree. But it's the world cup and I feel like getting my toes wet.

The bank is 40pts and I will most likely be demonstrating atrocious bank management. If it vanishes in a puff of blistering incompetence then so be it but I'd hope to be able to string this out a bit.

In years gone by I'd have a host of research, ante-post bets and probably bet on every game.

This year I've listened to a couple of podcasts, gone with gut instinct and anyone who isn't put off the idea of football in general, never mind betting upon it, by the opening game of Russia vs Saudi Arabia simply is not paying attention.

What is the worst that can happen?


  1. This is absolutely note the place to come for bets with reasoning... it may come, later, if/when I feel I actually know anything
  2. All bet posts with have running totals of bets placed and profit. Profit will include the stake for unsettled bets.



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