2013-06-29: Day 5
A few days to catch up upon.
Wednesday continued with Darren and I wandering around the town and chewing the cud. We all headed out in the evening and had a pretty disappointing meal followed by many more beers.
Thursday was a beach day. Being tossed about by the waves and then finally a good evening meal at A Forza.
Friday, Darren and I headed for Sagres. Tiny town but a picturesque beach and a fort to have a bit of a wander around. Very hot but nice to be somewhere a little different.
The evening we went to "No Patio" which was simply stunning in all respects.
Saturday, beach again. I went wandering the length of it and had to pluck out my eyes several times. Currently I'm sat having a well deserved Mojito in "The Garden" which knocks the, mercifully not actually present, socks off the one I had on the first night.