2013-09-26: Day 1
The following list makes for deeply unnerving reading and as I am writing this a couple of days after the event it is all too obvious that I was being lulled in to a false sense of security. At the time though I thought life was pretty sweet.
This is how my day went:-
- arrive at the airport in plenty of time
- earn good samaratin points by recognising the guy who dropped his wallet and tell him it was handed in
- get a seat on the flight on the aisle with a spare seat next to me and a guy at the window who doesn't need to use the toilet
- have no issues pronouncing the name of where I need the taxi to take me to... yes, ok, it is "Dob" street but still!
- get in to apartment and it seems bigger and better than expected
- purchase month long travel card with approaching minimal levels of confusion and gesturing
- Arrive at and get in to the office
- Leave the office again
- purchase food and have dinner
- go for a stroll, a read and a beer.
Positively flawless... and then Day 2 happened.