2013-09-27: Day 2
There is no hot water.
At the best of times in the shower I am not likely to make elegant noises (I'm talking about singing filth-mongers!). When said shower is, to use the quite literal vernacular, ball-freezing the noises are both inelegant and several octaves higher than usual.
After some faff it became apparent that I wasn't going to be able to fix it so messages sent and vaguely reassuring responses received back and I head for work. Some interaction during the day and I attempt to head back to meet my landlord (having only met his glamorous assistant to this point (precise personal relationship was not ascertained so this seemed the best fit).
I arrive "home" to find him, apparently, the second plumber (in the dark recesses of my brain a klaxon sounds) and much indiscernible chattering from the bathroom, for that is where the boiler is in all it's deeply not health and safety compliant glory (electrical socket in a shower anyone?) resides.
Things do not sound good... we chat, I have some time to kill so faff about online and hope beyond hope that it gets sorted as I really can't be arsed thinking about having to move when I have plans for the evening.
About 10 minutes later the first positive rumblings are heard. Another 10 and we are on the verge of confident proclamations that all will be well. A few tests and I have hot water.
Unfathomable quantities of joy!
Head out to meet some colleagues at "Csak a jó sörök" (Only good beer). A rather splendid little place that lived up to the billing and shall be revisited on more than one occasion I think before I depart these lands. Unfortunately though it does stop serving at 9. So we were forced to move on.
Next stop is PivoBar. A Czech place that did a perfectly reasonable beer. Whilst working out what to have I glanced at the food menu. My knowledge of delicacies from this part of the world is far from comprehensive but I had to query one of the translations:
Lard bread with duck fat and onion
Had I been alone and at a loss I'd have ordered it anyway just to see what the hell it was. As it happened enlightenment came before the food when it was made clear that the bread would have had very little, if anything, to do with Lard and that they probably just meant "home-made" or similar.
Not the worst translation I've seen in my days by a long shot!
It arrived and was pretty nice actually and then it was time to move on again.
This time 400 was our destination and the my re-acquaintance with Palinka. Just as warming as I remember.
We called it a night at this point after several hours of talking, laughing and drinking and headed home to start the weekend with what I hoped would be a hot shower!