2013-09-28: Day 3
Yes, I still have hot water. Rejoice do I!
It was time to accomplish some things that were required to make my stay here somewhat easier.
Mission one was to work out what the hell the random tube left in the fridge was. At first glance on day 1 it had seemed just a jumble of Hungarian writing and as it had no red on it (and at that time tomato purée was the only thing I could think of that represented food and came in a tube) I questioned whether it was indeed a food substance at all.
Thankfully situations like this are why Google translate was invented. Granted before I'd entered the words I'd spotted the great big pictures of garlic all over the bloody thing but it was at least a reassuring moment when Google confirmed my diagnosis of garlic paste.
Mission 1 - achieved.
Next I had to go shopping. I needed some food to loiter around the place to avoid eating out every night, a tea towel as there didn't seem to be one and also shoes as the ones I brought are knack'd (purposefully, a seemingly logical packing decision).
After looking at some guidebooks and maps I head out. My wandering take me to the Nagycsarnok (Grand Hall) where there's a huge market. Huge in size that is but quite derivative in produce. I'm quite sure some local shopping does go on there but it also feels very much like a tourist trap. Probably about 40% is blatant souvenir stalls with the rest being variations on the theme of vegetables and meat with a side order of alcohol and cheese.
I willingly fall for the tourist bit by buying a tea towel with a recipe for Goulash soup on it which I'll try at some point. Two birds, one (probably overly expensive) stone, sorted.
I'm determined to buy some meat here and pick the sausage that looks least like anything I've seen/eaten before. My fledgling Hungarian in conjunction with gesturing, pointing and a digital till display are sufficient to complete the transaction.
I've no idea how long it will keep for or how I should cook it never-mind what it may taste of... this can only go well.
Long/dull story short I also find some boots which should serve me adequately.
Returned my goodies home and relaxed for a bit before heading out for the evening.
Fairly quiet night, just stopped in at "Castro Bistro" for pörkölt (a beef stew with a side of pasta and sour cream) which was pretty tasty.