2013-10-06: Day 11

11 years ago · 1 MIN READ
#2013-09 ~ Budapest  #Budapest  #drink  #Hungary  #travelblog 

Let us not beat around the bush, the festival was marvellous!

The location itself was pretty special...


The breadth of choice of Pálinka available was impressive considering I couldn't really tell much difference between several of them. For me they broadly fell in to three categories:

a tribute to the great Jack Klugman
  • Those that taste sweet mainly due to the presence of honey - I tried one of these.
  • Those that actually tasted quite pleasant - I had two of these, both Quince flavoured which I can only presume to be a tribute to the great Jack Klugman from my taste buds
  • Those that immediately after consumption result in involuntary face pulling, foot stamping and an apparent attempt to self-flagellate with your tongue - the rest

We were compelled to have the odd beer as a palate cleanser and I had a Hungarian blood sausage, quite similar to a black pudding and very tasty.

Absolute quality day.



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